Lakeland Festival of Light

The Lakeland Festival of Light 2024

Catbells Festival of Light

Saturday 6th April 

Hosted by Lakeland Mountain Guides

For the event meet at 5:30pm at the Rawnsley Centre in Keswick, and after a briefing and raffle you will walk to Catbells (2.5miles). Once the mountain is lined, and it's dark, we will capture the image of the mountain lit up. 

You do not need a ticket to attend the event, but a donation from all attending is expected. 

The charity chosen again for this year is Michelle Jurd Trust.  

 For 8 years now The Lakeland Festival of Light has been taking place using Lakeland Mountain Guides as a platform to raise funds for various charities. It all started back in 2015 when they did their first ever 'Striding Edge by Torchlight' event" 

In 2016 was the first year of Catbells Festival of Light.

In 2023 over 2,500 people attended all the events and 100% of the profits go to charity and so far they have raised in excess of £75,000 for 6 different charities and had more than 6,700 people come light up the fells . 

Striding Edge by Torchlight 

Saturday 19th October 2024 - Striding Edge by Torchlight. 

This there most daring of all the events as it sees participants traverse Striding Edge onto Helvellyn under darkness. This is a fully guided event however you must have previous experience of scrambling in order to attend.

The charity of choice for this event is the Lake District Search & Mountain Rescue Association. LDSAMRA is the umbrella body for all the rescue teams here in the Lake District and so they all benefit from the funds raised on the night.

The event is £60 to attend and 50% of profits go to LDSAMRA. The tickets can be bought here

Lakeland Festival of Life on Grisedale Pike 

- A date for this is yet to be confirmed